At Euren, we respect the quality standards you indicate or, if no particular standards are specified, we manufacture products in compliance with the most important international standards around, such as DIN, UNI, ENJSO, AG MA, BS and JIS for example. Our production machines and equipment are subject to constant and thorough preventative maintenance and inspection programmes, ensuring top-level efficiency and performance repeatability. Our two metrology rooms are equipped to fully control all manufacturing activity, issuing corresponding certificates of conformity, which guarantee you receive quality and reliable products. Moreover, we also make use of special equipment to analyze the chemical composition and conformity of the raw materials we use. The whole production process, including waste and by-product management, is in full compliance with ISO 140001 environmental standards. Sectors R&D Automotive sector Racing applications Heavy vehicles Earth moving machinery Defence vehicles m Iron and steel industry Ski lifts (cable cars) Pharmaceutics Aeronautics Aerospace Naval sector Railway sector Machine Tools Typography Food Industry S